The commercial negotiations looked from the surface that probably is the skillful contest, in fact is one culture compares
the quantity and the collision. Along with the people to the international commerce negotiations rational knowledge's deepening, felt more and more cultural element oneself after surmounts
other such as economic agents, the political factor, but becomes the decisive effect the key aspect, already caused takes care of
to discuss and the enterprise takes seriously, to become them to pay attention with the research hot topic. Therefore, in current economical date
under profit globalization tendency, our country each foreign enterprise in international commerce negotiations, both must analyze the cultural element to the international commerce negotiations influence in-depth reason, and must analyze the cultural element to the international commerce negotiations concrete influence, including affects treater's quality structure, personnel
to the cultural structure the structure; Cultural element influence commerce treater's negotiations motive, judgment standard; The cultural element affects the treater, the negotiations way and the negotiations strategy;
the cultural element affects treater's negotiations linguistic environment; The cultural element affects treater's negotiations style and the artistic style; The cultural element affects the treater to the negotiations result appraisal. Realizes the bilateral culture to allow temporary credit, the benefit win-win international commerce negotiations goal.