1.He is on business trip and we don't know when he will come back, but you can leave messages and we will have them conveyed.
2.He went to Shanghai for business the day before yesterday, and he will be back anour three days later.
3.How soon / How many days will he finish his business trip?
4.It seems beautiful to put some fresh flowers on the table.
5.How do you think about putting some fresh flowers on the table?
6.How long will your business trip in Shanghai?
I will be on business trip in Shanghai for eight days.其实这里在口语中一般不重复的,直接说8天就好,就是Eight days.
1。 he was on a business trip, go to how long we don't know, something you can tell us, we will convey
2.He went to Shanghai the day before yesterday on a business trip, come back in about three days
3 how long after he on a business trip/business trip a few days later can come back?
4 some flowers/put a few bottles of fresh flowers on the table, it looks very nice
5 to put some flowers on the table do you think?
6 what do you want to go to Shanghai on business for a few days? I am going on a business trip to Shanghai eight days