泸州热电有限公司始建于1988年,是国有控股的中型电力生产企业泸州最大的调峰上网电站,也是四川省首批热电联产企业,现有职工350余人,大中专文化程度200余人,具有专业职称人员近100人,公司注册资金3333万元,拥有固定资产约1.5亿元,资产负债率99.7%。公司主要产品是发电、供热(蒸汽),装机容量3万千瓦,主要设备:罗马尼亚12MW双抽机组两台。国产东汽6MW机组一台, 75T/H煤粉锅炉两台,75T/H循环流化床锅炉一台(天华公司05年投资建造),年发电能力 1.8—2.0亿kwh,年供热70万吨。
The Luzhou thermoelectricity Limited company built in 1988, was the state-owned holding medium electric power Production enterprise Luzhou biggest peakload surfer power plant, was also the Sichuan first batch thermoelectricity payment proportional to production enterprise, the existing staff 350 people, the universities and technical institutes years of schooling 200 people, had the specialized title personnel nearly 100 people, the company registered capital 33,330,000 Yuan, had the fixed asset the approximately 150,000,000 Yuan, the property ratio of debt to net worth 99.7%. The company main product is the electricity generation, heating (steam), installed capacity 30,000 kilowatts, major installation: Romanian 12MW double pulls out unit two. East the domestic product steam 6MW unit, 75T/H powdered coal boiler two, 75T/H circulation fluid bed boiler (day China Corporation 05 year investment construction), year power capacity 1.8 - 2.1 kwh, the year heats 700,000 tons. looking from the trend of development, needs the project which the company heats to be getting more and more, will have the very big growth for the quantity of heat, the heating project mainly has 520,000 T/year urea installment, 30,000 T/years three to gather hydrogen amine, 25,000 T/year 1,4- butylene-glycol and downstream product г - Ding Neizhi, poly hydrogen fu nan, 34,000 T/year pulping papermaking installment and so on, estimated that will achieve 150 - 1,700,000 T/years to 2008 for the quantity of heat, grows more than 3 times compared to 2005, the company heats the prospects for development to favor.
泸州热电有限公司始建于1988年,是国有控股的中型电力生产企业泸州最大的调峰上网电站,也是四川省首批热电联产企业,现有职工350余人,大中专文化程度200余人,具有专业职称人员近100人,公司注册资金3333万元,拥有固定资产约1.5亿元,资产负债率99.7%。公司主要产品是发电、供热(蒸汽),装机容量3万千瓦,主要设备:罗马尼亚12MW双抽机组两台。国产东汽6MW机组一台, 75T/H煤粉锅炉两台,75T/H循环流化床锅炉一台(天华公司05年投资建造),年发电能力 1.8—2.0亿kwh,年供热70万吨。
The hot electricity limited company of the 泸 state starts to set up in 1988, is the medium-sized electric power that the government-owned controls to produce the business enterprise 泸 state to biggestly adjust the 峰 to get to the Internet to give or get an electric shock the station, is also the first hot electricity 联 of the province to Szechwan produce the business enterprise, existing officers and workers' more than 350 personses, greatly medium particularly the cultural degree more than 200 persons, have near 100 people of the professional title personnel, the company registers the funds 33,330,000 dollars, owning the fixed assets to invite150,000,000 dollars, property liabilities rate99.7%。The main product of the company generates electricity,provides the heat(steam), packing 30,000 kilowatts of the machine capacity, main equipments:the 12 MW double in Romania takes out two sets of the machine set.An one set, two sets of the 75 Ts/H coal powder boiler, the 75 Ts/H circularly flows to turn the bed boiler one set(the investment of 05 years of a R.O.C. company construct), the year generates electricity the ability1.8-200,000,000 kwhs, the year provides hot 700,000 tonses. See from the development trend, the item that needs the company to provide the heat more and more, providing the calories will have the very big growth, providing the hot item to mainly has 520,000 Ts/years urea to equip,30,000 Ts/years three gather the hydrogen 胺 ,25,000 Ts/years 1,4-two 醇s and the downstream product fat inside the г -D of D,gather one hydrogen 呋喃 ,34,000 Ts/years systems strach the deckle device etc., anticipate to providing the calories and willing attain the 150-1,700,000 Ts/year, is more than increasing in 2005300% till 2008, the company provided the hot development the foreground to think ° to be good.