我与Rapid AID公司于2008-7-15签定终止劳动合同协议书,公司协议书中写道:公司财务人员同本人将于2008-7-23一同前往劳动局办理离职手续,并当场支付钱款。由于劳动局不同意公司以‘经营困难’为理由同员工解除劳动合同,故双方没有解除劳动合同。劳动同局提出即使公司经营困难也应当支付员工基本生活费。
I Rapid AID 2008-7-15 company signed an agreement to terminate the labor contract, the company wrote in agreement: the company's financial staff with 2008-7-23 I will go with Labour Bureau for departure clearance and the money was paid Paragraph. As labor bureau does not agree to companies' operational difficulties' as the reason for terminating labor contracts with employees, the two sides did not lift the labor contract. Even with the Labor Bureau companies operating difficulties of the staff should also pay basic living expenses.