Traffic
congestion
has
long
been
a
problem
of
great
concern
and
complaint
in
big
cities.
It
has
caused
a
lot
of
inconvenience
to
people's
life
and
work.
The
first
cause
is
the
great
increase
in
the
number
of
private
cars.
Cars
take
up
more
space
but
they
carry
fewer
people.
Some
private
car
drivers,
ignoring
traffic
regulations,
drive
only
for
the
sake
of
their
own
convenience,
blocking
the
way
of
other
public
transportation
vehicles.
The
second
cause
is
the
slow
and
inefficient
construction
and
improvement
of
the
roads
and
streets.
With
a
large
population
and
numbers
of
automobiles
increasing,
some
roads
still
remain
unimproved,
which
will
surely
lead
to
problems.
Let
all
of
us
act
now
to
solve
it.长期来交通拥塞一直是大城市最关心和抱怨的问题.已造成人们生活和工作的很大不便.首要原因是私家车数量的大量增加.小汽车占用了更多空间,但他们却携带很少的人.一些私家车司机无视交通规则,开车时只图自己的方便,挡住了其他公共交通工具的道路.其次是缓慢而低效的建设及对道路和街区的完善.随着人口越来越多和汽车数量的成倍增长,而道路依旧保持原样,无疑会导致问题的产生.让我们所有的人现在就采取行动来解决它.