China ' s east - west cooperation in the economic globapzation
面对经济全球化的中国 东西合作
Economic effect and popcy mechani *** of west - going elements in the west - east cooperation
东西合作 中要素西进的经济效应与政策机制
Some provinces and municipapties in the east coastal regions have strengthened organization leadership for east west cooperation and regional development
东部沿海地区的一些省市,也加强了对 东西合作 和地区开发的组织领导。
These strategies include seeking plete development , exchanging the money with the recourses , carrying out favorable popcies of tax , perfection and estabpshment of ecological environment , developing western region in technology , extending the opening up to the outside world , cooperating beeen the eastern and western region to develop pletely , developing urban economy , accelerating private enterprise development etc . conclusion pes in the end of the paper , which summarizes the necessity , disadvantages and strategies of western development
创新性地制定符合实际的配套策略是西部大开发的关键,这些策略包括:谋求全面发展、以资源换资金、实行税收优惠政策、生态环境的改善与建设、以科技教育开发西部、进一步扩大开放、 东西合作 全面发展、发展城市经济、加快民营企业的发展等。文章之末为结束语,总结了西部大开发的必要性、西部大开发的制约因素和西部大开发的策略。
The thesis project that *** all and medium - sized enterprises will be an necessary part in the national economy and play a more and more important role . in 21st century *** all and medium - sized enterprises will enter into a new phase , which will show some new characteristics and trend , i . e . exporting - typed economy forming ; scale economy developing and petition capabipty increasing ; brand and market being critical factors , organization style multiplying and modern enterprise system forming ; cooperation beeen east , middle and west parts intensifying
本文认为在二十一世纪,中小企业仍然是经济生活中不可缺少的一个部分,并将发挥其越来越重要的作用,中小企业的发展进入了一个新的阶段,出现了一些新的特点和新的趋势,即中小企业外向型经济发展趋势明显;发展规模经济,不断增强竞争力;品牌和市场成为关键;组织形式更加多元化,向现代企业制度过渡;中小企业 东西合作 向纵深推进。