1、 no definite cause muscle weakness.
2、Widespread symptoms of insomnia, much dream or wake up early
3 、head, dizziness or headache.
4、 concentration, memory loss.
5、 loss of appetite.
6、 Depression, anxiety or tension, fear
7、Shoulder discomfort, chest tightness, muscle pain, joint pain or back pain, not positioning, but no clear history of rheumatic or trauma.
8、Loss of interest
9、 sexual dysfunction.
10 dry throat, sore throat or throat tight feeling.
11 drink suddenly dropped, even if drinking is also not feel the taste.
12 there is a little also upset angry.
13 smoking more than 30 cigarettes a day.
14 premature baldness, alopecia, alopecia areata.
15 mental arithmetic ability is getting worse.
With the above six or more should pay great attention to.