The people obtain each kind of nutrient which and the energy through the diet needs, maintains own health. The reasonable diet sufficient nutrition, can raise a generation of person's health standard, the prevention many kinds of disease's occurrence development, the extension life, improves the national quality. Unreasonable diet, over-feeding or insufficient, can bring the varying degree to the health the harm. Diet excessively because the excess nutrient will cause the obesity, diabetes, gallstones, the hyperlipemia, hypertension and so on many kinds of diseases, will induce the lump, like breast cancer, colon cancer and so on. Not only serious influence health, will reduce the life. The diet medium and long-term raises the element to be insufficient, may cause the malnutrition, anemia, many kinds of elements, the vitamin deficiency, affect the child intelligence growth, human body disease-resistant ability and the work, the work, learning capability drop.