新视野大学英语读写教程4 unit1~2 summary答案

2025-03-10 01:05:46

Unit 1   summary

  •   Chaplin is a great comic not only for his own mother country but more for the world. Chaplin’s Tramp was considered a little _crude_ and thought that he had too much of an eye for the ladies and that his clothes gave him an_appearance_ more like an Italian waiter than anything else. He resisted making a _talking_ movie until 1936 when he made up a_nonsense_ language which sounded like no known nationality. Chaplin achieved great success because he was an immensely _talented_ man and the kind of comic who used his _physical_ senses to invent his art as he went along.   

  •        However, the _collision_between the need to be loved and the fear of being _betrayed_ resulted in disaster in his _emotional_ life which was shown in his movies. Eventually, life gave Chaplin the stable _happiness_, that is, his marriage with Oona O’Neil. Chaplin died on _Christmas_ Day 1977.    

Unit2  summary

  •      Life in a wheelchair is tough. Living on welfare is just like sharing a dinner of raw pet food _with_ the cat. Many welfare _clients_ do not have money to _live_a decent life. As a result, lying and cheating the _welfare_ system for _extra_ money becomes normal. However, some unusual individuals, who have made a choice to live a life of complete _honesty_, do tell the truth to caseworkers and _declare_ any extra income they make. Being honest, however, is not without its problems.  

  •        Caseworkers will greatly _increase_ the frequency of their visits and leave behind a small mountain of paper work for the client to _fill_ out. The rules say that not a penny is to be _unaccounted_ for. Not a single gift, no matter how small, is to be unreported. These rules and the natural consequent lying unfortunately tend to transform caseworkers from being helpers of the poor to being _detectives_ constantly searching for any forms of cheating. 


1 adbca bcdab bccad dbcad
2 dcabb acadc baddb acbcb
ps 你们怎么这么迟考英语啊 我们都考完了 哈哈
加油咯 后面的答案我还有 你要不要呢?