Krypton website officially launched in December 8, 2010 36. Name 36 Kr source in thirty-sixth elements "of the periodic table of elements krypton", chemical symbol Kr. The legend of the Kryptonian Superman's hometown.
36 krypton is China's most influential internet business service provider, dedicated to Internet entrepreneur andpractitioners to provide media information, investment and financing, talent recruitment, database, a large exhibition services. Including the 3 major platform 36 krypton's attention: Internet business platform of the new media 36 Kr, service Internet business database platform 36 Kr + and provide early product line service platformfor entrepreneurs to open day. Through these 3 platforms, 36 krypton hope to provide one-stop business serviceis most valuable for entrepreneurs, help China Internet Venture Company faster, better growth.
36 krypton content mainly covers 3 dimensions:
Base: cover the major domestic and international news, help us to know the current trade
- the unique characteristics of the 36 Kr: attention at home and abroad Internet business model, the future development direction of enterprises, through the enterprise attempts to help you judge the industry concerned about the direction of
Position: - major events follow, trend and summarizes the comments......
As of 2012 October, more than a million readers access the 36 krypton website information monthly. In micro-blogSina and Tencent micro-blog on Krypton, 36 had more than 800000 fans; in addition, the reading platform, the number of subscribers has exceeded one million in 36.
In 36 kr website officially launched on December 8th 2010. 36 Kr its name from the elements of the periodic table of elements "Kr" 36, chemical symbol for Kr. The legendary krypton is the hometown of superman.
36 kr is China's most influential Internet startup services provider, focused on Internet entrepreneurs and professionals provide media information, investment and financing, talent recruitment, database, large-scale exhibition and other services. 36 kr, including three big platform: focus on Internet startup of the new media platform 36 kr, 36 kr + service Internet startup database platform and provide entrepreneurs with offline service platform Open Day of early product release. Through the three platforms, 36 kr hope for entrepreneurs to provide the most valuable one-stop business service, help the growth of Chinese Internet startup faster and better.
The content of the 36 kr mainly covers three dimensions:
- base: covering major news at home and abroad, to help you understand the industry today
Unique features: - 36 kr Internet startup mode, enterprises both at home and abroad, by focusing on trying to help you determine industry in the direction of venture enterprises development direction in the future
- position: follow up comments, trend of major events of summary and induction...
As of October 2012, a month more than millions of readers access to 36 kr website to obtain information. On sina weibo and tencent weibo, 36 kr has more than 800000 followers; In addition, in the reading platform, 36 kr subscribers are over millions.