mi s中文翻译

2025-03-11 05:00:58

The three sisters chu sang - mi , choi ji - woo and kim hyo - jin are all impressive too . while choi ji - woo shares most of the show time , chu sang - mi s posed yet sentimental performance makes her the one who actually steals the show
三姊妹秋相微崔志宇和kimhyo - jin都很抢镜,当中以崔志宇的戏份最多,秋相微内敛的演技最突出。

The three sisters chu sang - mi , choi ji - woo and kim hyo - jin are all impressive too . while choi ji - woo shares most of the show time , chu sang - mi s posed yet sentimental performance makes her the one who actually steals the show
三姊妹秋相微、崔志宇和kimhyo - jin都很抢镜,当中以崔志宇的戏份最多,秋相微内敛的演技最突出。

However , ha - mi s cousin shin yi bepeves that guys with the b blood type is irresponsible and selfish , and so she strongly urges ha - mi to break up with young - bin who happens to be a typical " type - b " guy
可是ha - mi的表姐shin yi认为b型血的男人自私自利不负责任不是拍拖的好对像而恰巧young - bin正是典型的b血型人所以表姐力劝ha - mi和对方分手。

Eun - joo , the stepmother , weles o sisters who e back home after recovering their health , but su - mi , the elder sister , intentionally avoids her and su - yeon , the younger sister , shows a smack of fear for her stepmother . on their first night , su - yeon sneaks in su - mi s room confessing there is someone in her room and su - mi sees a ghost of her late mother who hung herself in su - yeon s closet . strange things begin to happen since then ; a ghost haunts the house and stepmother s birds are poisoned to death