目的 改革临床护理教学查房的内容与方式,激发护生的学习热情,培养护生的评判性思维能力。方法 对44名护生分别采用传统的护理教学查房方式和采用以病例为引导的护理教学查房方式进行教学查房各一次,在实习结束后,对学生和老师进行调查问卷,比较两次教学查房的效果。 结果 学生和老师对采用以病例为引导的护理教学查房方式进行教学查房的满意率明显高于采用传统的护理教学查房方式(P<0.05)。结论 采用以病例为引导的护理教学查房方式进行教学查房,能有效激发护生的学习热情,拓宽护生的评判性思维能力,加深护生对疾病的理解与记忆及对整体护理中护理程序的理解,而且同时提高了带教老师的理论水平和综合素质。
Purpose of clinical nursing teaching reform visits content and method, arouse the enthusiasm, the protection of cultivating mrsing critical thinking ability. Methods were used to 44 MingHu born of the traditional teaching mode and adopted readily nursing in cases of nursing education for teaching way rounds each time, in practice rounds after investigation of teachers and students, compare two rounds of the teaching effect. Results of teachers and students in cases of guided by nursing teaching mode of teaching rounds visits by traditional significantly higher satisfaction nursing teaching rounds (P < 0.05). Conclusion with the case for guide nursing teaching mode, teaching rounds rounds can effectively arouse nurses' enthusiasm, broaden the nurses' critical thinking ability, deepen the understanding of disease was with memory of holistic nursing care and understanding of the program, but also to improve the teachers of the theoretical level and the comprehensive quality.
护理;Nursing, 教学查房;Teaching rounds, 查房方法Rounds
Abstract] The purpose of clinical nursing teaching ward round reforming the content and methods to inspire passion for learning of nursing students, nursing students develop critical thinking ability. Methods 44 nursing care, respectively, using the traditional methods of teaching rounds, and to adopt a case is a guided approach to teaching nursing teaching rounds rounds each time, after the end of the internship, students and teachers to conduct surveys to compare the two the effect of teaching rounds. A result, students and teachers to adopt a case is a guide for the care teaching rounds conducted teaching rounds in the satisfaction rate was significantly higher than using the traditional methods of care teaching rounds (P <0.05). Conclusion Case-guided approach to teaching nursing teaching rounds rounds, can effectively stimulate enthusiasm for nursing students to learn to broaden the nursing students critical thinking ability of nursing students to deepen the understanding of the disease and memory and the overall nursing care nursing process understandable, and while improving teaching teachers with a theoretical level and overall quality.
[Key words] nursing; teaching rounds; rounds Method
The purpose of the reform of clinical nursing rounds in the content and methods of teaching to inspire passion for learning of nursing students, nursing students develop critical thinking ability. Methods 44 nursing care, respectively, using the traditional methods of teaching rounds, and to adopt a case is a guided approach to teaching nursing teaching rounds rounds each time, after the end of the internship, students and teachers to conduct surveys to compare the two the effect of teaching rounds. A result, students and teachers to adopt a case is a guide for the care teaching rounds conducted teaching rounds in the satisfaction rate was significantly higher than using the traditional methods of care teaching rounds (P <0.05). Conclusion Case-guided approach to teaching nursing teaching rounds rounds, can effectively stimulate enthusiasm for nursing students to learn to broaden the nursing students critical thinking ability of nursing students to deepen the understanding of the disease and memory and the overall nursing care nursing process understandable, and while improving teaching teachers with a theoretical level and overall quality.