
2025-02-26 20:13:40

深圳市简介 深圳市位于广东省中南沿海地区,珠江入海口之东偏北。深圳市地处中华人民共和国广东省中南沿海,陆域位置东经113°46′至114°37′,北纬22°27′至22°52′。东西长81.4公里,南北宽(最短处)为10.8公里,东临大鹏湾,西连珠江口,南邻香港,与九龙半岛接壤,与香港新界一河之隔,被称为“香港的后花园”。 深圳这座新兴的城市整洁美丽,四季草木葱笼,当地政府因地制宜地开发了不少旅游景点,将自然风光与人工建筑巧妙结合。深圳历史悠久,文化发达,旅游资源也十分丰富,保存在地上、地下的文物古迹十分丰富。80年代深圳博物馆考古人员进行了文物普查,发现了一大批颇有价值的古建筑、古遗址、古墓葬、古寺庙、古城址和风景名胜等。深圳市人民政府于1983年先后公布了两批重点文物保护单位,并对名胜古迹作了修复,再现了原有的风貌,以供游人观赏。 深圳地处北回归线以南,属亚热带海洋性气候,气候温和,雨量充沛,日照时间长。夏无酷暑,时间长达6个月。春秋冬三季气候温暖,无寒冷之忧。年平均气温为22.3℃。 景观:锦绣中华、世界之窗、明思克航母世界、欢乐谷


Shenzhen City brief introduction The Shenzhen City locates the south foreland in province in Guangdong, the Pearl River goes into the east of the seaport to be partial to north.The south coast in ground in Shenzhen City province in the People's Republic of China Guangdong, six area position east longitudes 113 ° 46 ′s go to 114 °s 37 ′s, northern latitudes 22 ° 27 ′s go to 22 °s 52 ′s.The thing grows 81.4 kilometers, the south north breadth(most shortcoming) is 10.8 kilometers, the east faces da peng gulf, the west connects the Pearl River, south 邻 Hong Kong, connect rang with nine dragon peninsulas, and New Territory, Hong Kong one river separate, being called"the rear garden of Hong Kongs"s. This newly arisen city in Shenzhen is clean and neat and beautiful, all the year round the plant spring onion cage, local government because the ground system developped not a few tour beauty spots properly, constructing the natural scene and artificial the handiness combine.The Shenzhen history is long, the culture is flourishing, the tour resources also very abundant, keep on the ground,underground of the cultural object historic monument is very abundant.Museum in Shenzhen studied of ancient relics a personnel to carry on the cultural object census in 80's, discover a large quantity a worthy thou to construct rather,the ancient ruins,ancient tomb bury,ancient temples,ancient city address moderate breezes view famous spot etc..People's government in Shenzhen City announced two batches of points cultural object protection unit successively in 1983, and made a repair to the famous spot historic monument, reappear original appearance to be provided for visitor to appreciate. The south of Tropic of Cancer of the Shenzhen ground, belong to subtropics maritime climate, the weather geniality, the volume of rain is abundant, the sunshine time is long.The summer has no intense heat, time long 6 months.Spring autumn winter three quarters weather is warm, have no cold of sorrow.Year the average air temperature is 22.3 ℃s. View:The window of the rich brocade China,world,clear think female world,happiness valley of the gram sail