MSN Space 简易教程(四十四)—— 改变共享空间的背景
MSN Space Easy Tutorial (44) —— Changing the Background in Your Space
自从开始写 MSN Space 教程以来,就不断有朋友询问如何更换空间的背景,而且越来越多的朋友希望能用自己的图片来做空间的背景图案。这篇教程我就来介绍一下怎样更换 MSN Space 的背景。
今年一月 MSN Space 改版后,已经能提供 129 种不同的主题,也就相当于提供了100 多种背景图案。通过在 MSN Space 的“自定义”中更换一个主题,就能改变空间的背景。这个方法非常简单,相信大家也都很熟悉,我就不多说了。
(二)Tweak UI 模块法
去年 MSN Space 推出了 PowerToy 工具,其中的 Tweak UI 模块就可以用来调整空间的背景。通过设置该模块中的“背景颜色”(Background Colors),可以调节整个空间的背景颜色;而“背景图片”(Background Image)则通过选项来设定 MSN Space 主题所提供的背景图片的位置、是否重复、以及是否隐藏。这样也能起到改变 MSN 共享空间背景的效果,具体内容请参考《MSN Space 简易教程(二十六)—— PowerToy 模块》的内容。
(三)Custom HTML法
上述两种方法只是利用 MSN Space 所提供的主题和工具来更换背景图片、修改背景颜色。如果想用自己的图片来做 MSN Space 的背景图案,那么就要用到另一个 PowerToy —— Custom HTML 模块。Custom HTML 模块不仅能实现宽屏显示,还可以做出置顶效果(比如:我的空间首页上的“卧虎藏龙”文字及图片),以及显示自己选择的空间背景图片,用途多多,绝对不可错过。关于 Custom HTML 模块的添加,请看教程(二十六)。
1、登录进入你的 MSN 共享空间。
3、按照教程(二十六)中的方法,添加一个 Custom HTML 模块,并将此模块放于左列顶部。建议日志模块放在 Custom HTML 模块下方,其他模块放在右列内。
4、在 Custom HTML 模块内填入如下代码: English Version
Since my MSN Space Easy Tutorials were published in my space, more and more friends have asked me whether the background image can be changed to their pictures or photos. In fact, there are some methods to alter the background of MSN Spaces. Let me tell you several easy ways to do it in this tutorial.
(A) by Theme
Now MSN Spaces are providing 129 various themes, that means more than 100 backgrounds are available to choose. So the easiest way to change the MSN Space background is to select a theme in "Customize".
(B) by Tweak UI Module
Last August, three PowerToy modules appeared in MSN Spaces. One of them is called Tweak UI module, which can be used to adjust the background of your space. Through Tweak UI module, you can set the "Backgound Colors" and/or change the positioning, repeating, and displaying of "Background Image". If you want to know more about this Tweak UI module, please read my MSN Space Easy Tutorial (26).
(C) by Custom HTML Module
The above two methods to change the background are based on the tools that MSN Spaces provide. If you want to use any picture as the background image in your space, another PowerToy module, Custom HTML, is a good choice. Custom HTML module is a very powerful tool, which can be used to widen your space and display pictures or words at the topmost position in space. (For example, the Tiger picture in the homepage of my space.) Please read my MSN Space Easy Tutorial (26) to learn more about the Custom HTML module.
Now let me show you how to change the background image and widen your space.
1. Log in your MSN Space.
2. Select the two column layout in "Customize":
3. Follow the instruction in my Easy Tutorial (26) to add one Custom HTML module in your space. Place the Custom HTML module on the top of the left column, and put the blog module below it. Other modules or lists can be placed into the right column.
4. Type in the following codes into the Custom HTML module: