
2025-03-07 00:18:46

1.点击开始>设置> 控制面板,双击添加/移除程序, 卸载ArcGIS desktop和Workstation版本(如果有的话)。
2. Reboot your machine.
2. 重启您的机器
3. Place ArcGIS Desktop CD in the CD-ROM drive.
3. 将ArcGIS desktop 光盘插入光盘
4. Cancel out of the Auto-Install window.
4. 取消弹出的自动安装窗口
5. Click Start > Run.
5. 点击开始> 运行
6. Type this command : :\setup /cleanup
6. 键入下列命令: <光盘盘符>:\setup /cleanup
7. Make sure you type a space character after the word setup.
7. 确保您在单词setup之后有一个空格字符
8. Click OK to start the process.
8. 单击OK开始运行
9. Reboot and log back in as a user with administrative privileges.
9. 重起并以一个具备管理员权限的用户登录进机器
10. Remove and insert the CD again to start the autorun and install ArcGIS Desktop.
10. 弹出并再次插入光盘,开始光盘自动运行并安装ArcGIS Desktop
11. Install ArcGIS Workstation (if applicable) by placing the Workstation CD into the CD-ROM drive.
11. 如果需要的话,将ArcGIS Workstaion光盘插入光驱,安装ArcGIS workstaion。
12. Don't do a cleanup with this CD.
12. 不需要ArcGIS workstation光盘再次执行清理工作。
13. Reboot and log back in as a user with administrative privileges.
13. 重起并以一个具备管理员权限的用户登录进机器