Get off your bottom. 可以开始行动了.
It's my meet. 情况很理想.
See here. 别着急.
It's coming along. 正在取得进展.
Cheer up! 加油
good job. 干得好
Don't give up 别放弃
They'll lose whatever happens. 他们输定了.
We'll win whatever happens. 我们赢定了.
fat chance 不可能
now or never 莫失良机
I don't believe my eyes. 难以置信.
What should we do next? 我们下一步干什么?
We'll try whatever happens. 不管怎样,我们要试一试.
He can't get out of his own way 他把自己绕进去了
Too far in 太往里了
irresistable 难以抗拒的
fascinate 迷住
lolipop 棒棒糖
embarrassment 尴尬
2010年2月6日 :
quadruplet blouout toddier dumb pretty cool
四胞胎 庆祝会 蹒跚学步的 笨的 太酷了
short-lived miserable
昙花一现的 使人难受的
2.7 周日,没有
say uncle Go guys ,go! Do it right smart.
投降 加油 对了,接着做
It's in the hole! You're back to go!
我成功了 你做错了