My name is Alex Mercer
I am the reason for all of these
they call me a killer a monster a terrorist
I'm all of these things
few weeks ago someone released a lethal virus in the Pennsy station
I woke up in the morgue
now I hunt I kill I consume I become..
I'm gonna find out who did this to me
And I'm gonna make them pay!
我的名字叫ALEX MERCER,他们(指的是黑色守望)管我叫杀手、怪物、恐怖分子,而这个城市遭到这么大的破坏全是因为我。18天前我从停尸房醒来,发现自己失忆,我要找回我的记忆,所以,我报复、我杀戮、我毁灭、我要让你们付出代价。