USA and Canada call it cell phone England, Australia and Zealand use term of mobile phone(美国和加拿大用cell phone 而英国,澳大利亚和新西兰用mobile phone)
mobile phone:a telephone that you can carry with you and use in any place 移动电话,手机cell phone:a cellular phone:a telephone that you can carry aronnd with you,that works from a system that uses a network of radio stations to pass on signals (利用无线电通讯网的)蜂窝电话,手机
参考资料来源:百度百科-mobile phone
mobilephone:a telephone that you can carry with you and use in any place 移动电话,手机cellphone=a cellular phone: a telephone that you can carry aronnd with you,that works from a system that uses a network of radio stations to pass on signals (利用无线电通讯网的)蜂窝电话,手机可见两者强调的方面不同,一个强调移动,另一个强调无线电通讯