Private Sub Command1_Click()
If Int(Val(Text1.Text)) <> Val(Text1.Text) Or Val(Text1.Text) <= 0 Or Val(Text1.Text) > 2147483647 Then
MsgBox "数据错误!"
ElseIf Val(Text1.Text) = 1 Then
Label1.Caption = Text1.Text + "不是素数。"
If IsPrimeNumber(Val(Text1.Text)) Then
Label1.Caption = Text1.Text + "是素数。"
Label1.Caption = Text1.Text + "不是素数。"
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Function IsPrimeNumber(ByVal n As Long) As Boolean
IsPrimeNumber = True
For i = 2 To Sqr(n)
If n Mod i = 0 Then
IsPrimeNumber = False
Exit For
End If
Next i
End Function
Private Sub Form_Load()
Command1.Default = True
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim x As Long
x = Text1
yes = True
For i = 2 To Sqr(x)
If x Mod i = 0 Then
yes = False
Exit For
End If
Next i
If yes Then
Label1.Caption = x & " 是一个素数"
Label1.Caption = x & " 不是一个素数"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 13 Then
Call Command1_Click
End If
End Sub