
2025-03-09 13:41:57

Simulink/Math Operations/Assignment: Assign values to specified elements of a multidimensional output signal. The index to each element is identified from an input port or this dialog. You can choose the indexing method for each dimension by using the "Index Option" Concatenate input signals of the same data type to create a contiguous output signal. Select vector or multidimensional array mode.In vector mode, all input signals must be either vectors or one-row [1xM] matrices or one-column [Mx1] matrices or a combination of vectors and either one-row matrices or one-column matrices. The output is a vector if all inputs are vectors. The output is a one-row or one-column matrix if any of the inputs are one-row or one-column matrices, respectively.In multidimensional mode, use 'Concatenate dimension' to specify the output dimension along which to concatenate the input arrays. For example, to concatenate the input arrays vertically or horizontally, specify 1 or 2, respectively, as the concatenate dimensions.

