all
right
是:好,行。可以的意思=OK
That
is
right。是:对,没错的意思=You
are
right
That
is
all
right是:没关系,不用谢=Not
at
all
that
is
right"那是正确的"
是说明对于错
that
is
all
right“没关系”
是说明满意与否
没关系
all
right
好的(表示同意)
e.g.
-would
you
pass
that
bottle
to
me?-all
right!
好的
that's
all
right
没事的,
i'm
sorry
i'm
late.对不起,我迟到了。
—that's
all
right.没关系。
that
is
right
:
那是对的(用于肯定别人的答案)
that
is
all
right:
没关系
没什么的(用于回复别人的道歉等等之类的客气语)