
2024-12-04 23:22:03

enterprises,especially in the Small and Medium catering enterprises,it is hard to meet the rerquirment of modern administration,no matter for the working efficiency,the labor costs or the provision of decision-making,which,in the mean time, has restricted the development of the entire catering industry development and the promotion of the whole service level.

The wireless dishes-order system,which totally adapts Information management,can solve the problems,largely promote the working efficiency of the catering industry, save the costs of manpower and resources and ceases the artificial oversight.What's most important,the system is highly qualified ot be promoted and used in the Small and Medium catering enterprises,as it is low-cost,convinient in installation and easy to use.

This article mainly introduces the design of hand-hold wireless dishes-ordering terminal,which is mainly made by monolithic integrated circuit nRF9E5,keyboard,12864A-1 monitor.The terminal designed in this article is suitable to be adapted in small and medium enterprises,thanks to its' low-cost and simplicity of operation.This article firstly introduces the working progress fo the system,And then introduces its' hardware design,each module'function and its' electric circuit connection,and finally,according to the demand analysis of the terminal,gives resignes of the terminal's function,its' working progress and the launching flow of its' wireless module.

Key word: hand-hold wireless dishes-ordering terminal, nRF9E5,


Along with the rapid delelopment of our market , the scale of the catering industry is also expanding.However,in catering enterprises,especially in the Small and Medium catering enterprises,it is hard to meet the requirment of modern administration,no matter for the working efficiency,the labor costs or the provision of decision-making,which,in the mean time, has restricted the development of the entire catering industry development and the promotion of the whole service level.

The wireless dishes-order system,which totally adapts Information management,can solve the problems,largely promote the working efficiency of the catering industry, save the costs of manpower and resources and ceases the artificial oversight.What's most important,the system is highly qualified ot be promoted and used in the Small and Medium catering enterprises,as it is low-cost,convinient in installation and easy to use.

This article mainly introduces the design of hand-hold wireless dishes-ordering terminal,which is mainly made by monolithic integrated circuit nRF9E5,keyboard,12864A-1 monitor.The terminal designed in this article is suitable to be adapted in small and medium enterprises,thanks to its' low-cost and simplicity of operation.This article firstly introduces the working progress fo the system,And then introduces its' hardware design,each module'function and its' electric circuit connection,and finally,according to the demand analysis of the terminal,gives resignes of the terminal's function,its' working progress and the launching flow of its' wireless module.

Key word: hand-hold wireless dishes-ordering terminal, nRF9E5, wireless network