Aaron Enlightened
Abbott Father
Abel Breath
Abner Father of Light
Abraham Exalted Father
Adam Man of Earth
Addison Son of Adam
Adler Eagle
Adley The Just
Adrian, Adrien The Dark One
Aedan, Aiden Born of Fire
Aiken The Oaken
Alan, Allan Handsome One
Alastair Defender of Men
Albern Of Noble Valor
Albert Noble, Bright
Albion White or Fair
Alden Wise Guardian
Aldis From the Old House
Aldrich Old Wise Leader
Alexander Great Protector
Alfie Form of Alfred
Alfred Supernaturally Wise
Algernon Bearded
Alston From the Old Manor
Alton From the Old Town
Alvin Noble Friend
Ambrose Immortal
Amery Industrious
Amos A Burden
Andrew Manly, Valiant
Angus Strong and Unique
Ansel Nobel
Anthony Priceless
Archer Bowman
Archibald Bold Prince
Arlen Pledge
Arnold Strong as an Eagle
Arthur, Art Champion, Follower of Thor
Arvel Wept Over
Atwater From the Waterside
Atwood Forest Dweller
Aubrey Ruler of the Elves
Austin Helpful
Avery Elfin Ruler
Axel Man of Peace