1. Give at least one diagnostic characteristic for each of the families below and Produce a dichotomous taxonomic key that will separate these families. (给出下列各科的至少一个识别特征和各科的分类检索表)
Magnoliaceae/Lauraceae/ Ulmaceae/Moraceae/Salicaceae
2. Give at least one diagnostic characteristic for each of the families below and Produce a dichotomous taxonomic key that will separate these families. (给出下列各科的至少一个识别特征和各科的分类检索表)
3. Family description of Magnoliaceae including some photos that show the characteristic features unambiguously.(描述木兰科植物包括一些能清楚显示其特征的照片)
4. Contents of Cyatheales(桫椤目 内容、要旨)
5. Contents of Ginkgo biloba(银杏科 内容、要旨)
6. Differences between Populus and Salix.(杨属和柳属的区别)
7. The definition and description of landscape dendrology景观树木学的定义和描述
8. The values of woody landscape plants. 园林树木的价值。
9. The definition of species 物种的定义
10. The definition of cultivar. 品种的定义
11. Why do we prefer to use scientific name rather than common name? 为什么我们用学名,而不是普通的名字?
12. pH adaptable species. 酸碱适应力强的物种。
13. drought tolerant species. 耐旱的物种。
14. sturdy storm resistant trees. 坚固耐风暴的树木。
15. When does lace-bark Elm (Ulmus parvifolia) flower? 榔榆的花期。
16. Why is the Siberian elm an undesirable street tree?榆树为什么是一个不受欢迎的街树
17. The species that don’t have conspicuously showy flowers. 没有显著的艳丽的花朵的物种
18. fragrant species.芳香种类。
19. The species that have an exfoliating bark.片状脱落树皮的种类。
20. genera that typically produce male and female flowers on separate plants.典型的雌雄异株的植物种类。
21. mature leaves of plants in the family Cupressaceae.柏科植物的成熟叶片形态。
22. Culture of Weeping Fig.垂叶榕的栽培
23. Culture of sago.苏铁的栽培
24. plants that is native in China.中国的本土植物
25. plants that is likely to grow under low light conditions. (生长在低光照地方的植物)
26. powerful air-cleaning plants in the NASA Clean Air Study. (美国航天航空局净化空气研究中的具有强大的空气净化作用的植物)
27. Similarity or similarities of Populus species. (杨属的共同点)
28. Trees with fastigiate branching. (树形为桶装的树)
29. Pinus species that bears leaves in bundles of 2. (2针叶子的松属)
30. Pinus species that bears leaves in bundles of 2 or 3. (2-3针叶子的松树)
31. tree that bears long shoots and short shoots. (具有长枝短枝的树)