difference; discrepancy; divergence; diversity; differentia
Along fault zones in particular, displacement may occur by slow, secular, differential slippage as well as by sudden rupture特别是沿着断层区,位移既可能以缓慢的,持久的、有差异的滑动发生,也可能以突然破裂发生。
Lacking harmony,agreement,or compatibility;discordant.不协调、不一致的或不和谐的;差异的
Points of difference,similarity, agreement,disagreement,etc差异、相似、一致、分歧等之处
A subtle or slight degree of difference,as in meaning,feeling,or tone;a gradation.细微差别意义、感情或音调等的细微差别;程度上的差异
"Such difficulties, which stem from the enormous variety of America and Americans, should be rather obvious. "美国在地域和人种上的巨大差异,使得人们难以对美国民族的特性进行概括,这一点是显而易见的
Rocks differ in texture (crystal sizes and shapes, or grain sizes and shapes), color, and mineral composition, depending upon how they were formed.各种岩石在结构(晶体大小和形状,或颗粒大小和形状)、颜色和矿物成分方面都有差异,这取决于它们形成的方式。
But job quality in this sector is bifurcated.然而服务业岗位的质量会存在巨大差异。
In observing the appearance of the country, the bearings of the roads, the difference of the soil, the state of the harvest she found entertainment.在观察乡野风貌、道路状况、土壤差异、收割情形时,她感到其乐融融。
However, besides being aware of differences, they must also keep abreast of changes.然而,他们不单得了解文化差异,还要赶得上周围的变化。
A racial feature,type,difference,etc人种特徵、类型、差异等
difference of opinion phr. 意见相左
just noticeable difference 恰可察觉差
just-noticeable difference phr. 最小可觉差
rank-difference correlation phr. 相关系数
barely noticeable difference 几乎无明显不同
binaural masking level difference 双耳掩蔽级差
electromotive difference of potential 电动电位差
rank-difference correlation coefficient phr. 秩序相关
interpersonal indifference n. 人际关系淡漠
make a difference to 影响到,起作用
difference n. 1.[C,U]不同,差别,区别 2.[U]差额,差 3.[C]意见分歧,不和
differences [difference]的复数形式
differenced [ difference ]的过去式;[ differences ]的过去式;[ differencing ]的过去式
difference-differentialequation 差分微分方程
difference-product 差积
indifference n.[U] 1.漠不关心,冷淡,冷漠,不重视 2.不感兴趣 3.中立