
2025-03-04 01:11:36

Some people think that living in big cities is bad for health. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Key: words: living in big cities, health
社会背景: Living in big cities, health
论点: be bad for health
个人观点:Living in big cities is bad for health
第一段: 社会背景 正向/反向观点 自己观点 (1 客观因素/外因 2 主观因素/内因)
社会背景:在大城市学习工作 大部分人 处于亚健康状况
自己观点: 我认为这种生活状态不利于人们的健康主要基于
1 城市的生活环境 2源于社会的各种压力
Nowadays, a majority of people who work and study in big cities tend to have a sub-health condition. Some people deem that living in metropolises can exert a negative impact on their physical fitness. After serious consideration, I approve that such lifestyle goes against people’s health, in view of urban surroundings and various social pressures.
第二段:论点 论据 例证 结论
论点: 大城市日益恶化的生存状况——造成——人们健康隐患。
论据: 严重的污染——导致——人们患有各种疾病。
例证: 在北京,汽车尾气排放产生的雾霾引发了人们的呼吸系统的疾病.此外,生活垃圾以及石化的污染物严重影响力,人们饮用水的质量,这也是人们产生重大疾病例如癌症的另一根源。
First and foremost, deteriorating circumstances in conurbations have increased health risks. In other words, escalating environmental pollution has caused prevalent diseases. For instance, smog generated from car emissions has incurred sickness in people’s respiratory system. Besides, household garbage and pollutants from fossil fuels have seriously affected the quality of drinking water, which can lead to serious diseases including cancer. Hence, living in conurbations poses harm to people’s fitness.
第三段: 论点 论据 例证 结论
论据: 现实生活的压力 ——使得人们—缺乏安全感,生活在危机中——导致人们身心疲惫
Secondly, fierce competition and survival pressures in conurbations exert burdens on people’s mental and psychological health. Conspicuously, real-life pressures can deprive them of a sense of security and stability, or even worse, break them down. For example, when living in metropolises, most people tend to work and study overtime, and consequently, to result in a nervous and anxious situation without enough rest and relaxation. Besides, such situation can weaken people’s immune system so that they will easily fall ill. From this point, living in big cities leads to a lower level of happiness and poorer health conditions.
让步段:另一种观点合理性 however 对此观点反驳
在大城市生活也有利于人们健康,例如 各种娱乐设施以及娱乐场所,有利于人们放松身心缓解压力。
1 由于忙于生计没有足够的时间
2 缺乏足够的金钱。
On the other hand, living in urban areas can contribute to people’s well-being with plenty of recreational facilities and entertainment venues: both are established to help people relax their mind and body and relieve pressures. However, most urban residents have failed to participate those leisure activities because they are financially strained and too occupied with their work.=
第五段:总结观点 提出建议
总结观点:日益恶化的生活环境 源于现实生活的各种压力——危害了人们的健康
In brief, sliding urban living environments and real life pressures have posed detriments to people’s well-being.