
2025-03-06 17:38:24


My idol
My idol is Rene liu,she is a kindly,atmospheric,gentle,humourous,lovely,wisdom girl.She also is good at cooking,performance also very well.
刘若英(Ren'e Liu),1970年6月1日出生于台湾省台北市, 中国台湾女歌手、演员、词曲创作者。
Rene Liu,1/6/1970 was born in Tai wan tai bei,Chinese Tai wan female singer,actor,
1995 year,Rene Liu palyed the film:<>publish;The same year played the film<>got the fourth the best of female role to Ya tai film show;she also take her special<>started her musical area,
Title Song<>got the 32th Tai Wan film's Jin ma prize the best film's song.
1997year, the film<> got the Tokey national film the best female role.
1998年主演电影《征婚启事》并以此同时获得台北电影节最佳演员、台湾电影金马奖评审团特别大奖、亚太影展最佳女主角、巴黎国际电影特别表扬奖4项大奖[1] ;同年发行专辑《很爱很爱你》。
1998 year,the act the leading role<>got the Tai Bei film the best of the actor,Tai wan film Jin Ma groups the special prize,Ya tai film show the best of the famale actor,The Paris national special prize and the other 4 prizes together;The same year published the special<>.
2000年以电视剧《人间四月天》打开在内地的知名度;同年主演电视剧《住在十字架下的母亲》获得台湾电视金钟奖最佳女主角[2] ;亦发行专辑《我等你》,其中歌曲《后来》成为其代表作。
2000 year,the play<>started the local popularity;the same year the main play<>got the Tai wan TV Jin Zhong prize the best of the female role;She was published the <>,in the middle of the song<>became representative work.
2001年以电视剧《粉红女郎》获得中国电视剧双十佳最佳女演员奖。2005年主演电影《天下无贼》并获得香港电影金紫荆奖最佳女主角、大众电影百花奖最佳女主角[3-4] 。
2001 year,the play<>got the China play the double top ten the best of the female actor prize.2005 years,the role paly film<>got the Hongkang film Jin Zi Xing the best of the female role prize,the popular film Bai hua the best of the female role prize.
2007年凭借电影《连环局》同时入围了金马奖、金像奖、金鸡奖、金紫荆奖、华语传媒大奖[5-8] 。
2007 year,the film<>the same time got the Jin Zhong prize,Jin Xiang prize,Jin Ji prize,Jin Zi Jin prize,Chinese words media prize.

8/8/2011 with the Xiao Jiang zhong regisnation get married.

2013年担任第32届香港金像奖和第50届台北金马奖评委[9-10] 。
2013 year,assume the office of the 32th Hong Kang Jin Xiang prize and the 50th Tai bei Jin Ma prize rater.