beach 指“海滩、海滨以及岸上的沙子和卵石”,就其本义来说,应该属于不可数名词,原因是它是不可分割的;但有时候相对于 beach 1,还会存在 beach 2、3、4 等,这种情况下,它又变成可数名词,比如说,海边有几处海滩,我们就可以讲,There are some beaches by the sea.因此可数与不可数是相对的,而不是绝对的。
1. 以单数对待的名词:
A. 专有名词
The United States has two official languages: English and French.
The United Nations has its headquarters located in New York.
例外:Netherlands(德黑兰), Philippines(菲律宾)单复皆可;
B. 物质名词
固体:wood, stone, chalk,
气候:snow, sand, rain, wind
液体:water, milk, ink
粮食:rice, grain, flue
C. 抽象名词
概念:mind, thought, behave,
学科:mathematics, physics, politics, mechanics
体育:gymnastics(体操), bowls(保龄球), darts(标枪)
A. 两部分构成的工具和衣物:
glasses(眼镜), scales(比例尺), scissors(剪刀), spectacles(眼镜), pajamas(睡衣), shorts(短裤), shoes(鞋), trousers(裤子), gloves(手套)
B. 集合名词:
cattle(牲畜), people(人民), police(警察), furniture(家具)
C. 山脉、瀑布、群岛:
the Alps (阿尔皮斯山脉),
the Rockies (落基山脉),
the Balkans (巴尔干半岛),
the Himalayas(喜马拉雅山脉),
Niagara Falls(尼亚加里瀑布)
D. 其他以-s:结尾的名词:
arms(武器、兵种) belongings(财产) contents(内容、目录) clothes(衣物) congratulations(贺辞) fireworks(焰火、炮竹) customs(关税)earnings(收入) funds(基金) goods(货物) greens(蔬菜、草地) lodgings(居所), looks(外表) minutes(会议记录) outskirts(市郊),pains(痛苦),savings(储蓄),spirits(精神、热情) stairs(楼梯),suburbs(郊区) thanks(谢意) surroundings(环境)
3. 单复同形的名词:
A. 动物:
deer(鹿), sheep(羊), grouse(松鸡), salmon(大麻哈鱼), trout(鳜鱼)
B. 度量单位:
foot(英尺), pound(磅), stone(英石),
C. 民族:
Chinese, Japanese, Lebanese, Portuguese
D. 呈复数形式:
crops, means, headquarters, works, shambles
4. 复合名词的复数:
A. 尾词变化:
armchairs, fly-overs, grown-ups, pickpockets
B. 首词变化:
commanders-in-chief, men-of-war, mother’s-in-law, passers-by
C. 同时变化:
men friends, women doctors, gentlemen farmers
1. 与形状有关(用在不可数名前)
a bar of candy; a blade of glass; a block of ice; a cake soap; a drop of water; an ear of wheat; a flight of stairs; a grain of sand; a loaf of bread; a lump of sugar; a sheet of paper; a speck of ink; a slice of meat; a stick of chalk; a strip of cloth
2. 与打包方法有关(不可数和可数名词前都可以用)
a bunch of flowers; a bundle of sticks; a cluster of roses; a pack of cigarettes; a series of films; a tuft of hair
3. 与人群有关(用在可数名词前)
an army of soldiers; a band of musicians; a batch of students; a bench of examiners; a board of directors; a bunch of teenagers; a chair of singer; a crew of sailors; a crowd of people; a gang of thieves; a group of children; a party of guests; a staff of teachers; a team of players; a troop of soldiers; a troupe of actors
4. 与畜群有关
a brood of chickens; a clusters of ants; a flock of ants; a herd of cattle; a pack of wolves; a school of fish; a swarm of bees
5. 与度量有关
A. 长度: a foot of; a meter of; a yard of
B. 重量: a gram of; a kilo of; an ounce of; a pound of; a ton of
C. 容量: a gallon of; a gill of; a liter of; a Pint of; a quart of
D. 面积: an area of; a hectare of
6. 与容器有关
a bottle of; a bowl of; a bucket of; a cup of; a can of; a glass of; a jar of;
7. 行为举止等有关
a display of courage; a fit of laughter; a flash of hope; a peal of thunder; a ray of light; a roll of thunder
beach 海滩
例句:I want to go to the beach. 我想去海滩
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