
2025-03-04 14:53:47

twenty two years ago, i stood where i stand now, and watched my beloved died, betrayed by those i have called friends. 二十二年前,我就是站在现在这个地方,亲眼看着我所爱的人死去。他们被那些我曾经称作朋友的人所出卖。vengence clouded my mind, it would cosumed me, were if not for the wisdom of a few strangers. 有段时间我满脑子都是“复仇”,如果不是几个陌生人为我出谋划策的话,我肯定就被复仇毁了。who taught me to look past my instincts. 他们教会我如何克制自己本能。they never preached answers, but guided me to learn from my self. 他们从不会告诉我答案,但是却引导我去向自己要答案。we don't need anyone to tell us what to do. 我们用不着别人来告诉我们要做什么。not Savonarola or the Medici. 不管是Savonarola还是Medici家族的人。we are free to follow our own path. 我们有追求我们自己的道路的自由。there are those who will take that freedom from us, and too many of you gladly give it. 总是有些人想要夺走我们的这种自由,而你们大部分人又都会乐意的放弃。but it is our ablity to choose - whatever you think is true - that makes us human. 可是其实我们是有选择的能力的(不管你们认为什么是对的,什么是真相),那是我们身为人类所拥有的能力(实在不好翻译)。there is no book or teacher to give you the answers, to show you the path. 没有哪本书或者哪个老师能给你们答案,或者给你们指路。Choose your own way. 选择你们自己的道路吧。do not follow me, or anyone else. 不要追随我,或者别的什么人。



说了一些很经典的话,好像有什么 自己要走的路,书籍和老师也告诉不了你。。。要自己选择什么的,我也忘了,你去看游戏攻略吧。前几天翻版的,现在忘了。。。。 楼上的是对的!!!

