From the moment I fell down that rabbit hole.自从掉进兔子洞的那时起
I've been told what I must do and who I muset be.我就被告诫要做这做那。
I've been shurk, stretched, scratched and stufferd into a teapot.莫名其妙地被缩小放大,刮伤手臂,还被塞进茶壶。
I've been accused of being Alice and of not being Alice, but this is my dream.我已经受够了你们对我身份的指责,这是我的梦境。
I'll decide where it goes from here.从现在起一切由我说了算.
I make the path.我会开出一条路。
Number 10 spot is given to Eaglet:
Alice and many animals and birds along with a Duck, Dodo, Lory and Eaglet swam from a lake that was actually a pool of Alice"s tears. While at the shore they were discussing how to get dry. Dodo was talking in business terms about adjourning the meeting and adopting more energetic remedies. To this Eaglet called out this quoted sentence:
"Speak English! I don"t know the meaning of half those long words, and I don"t believe you do either!" -Eaglet