Post-traumatic Stress Disorder , is a major disaster caused by anxiety Disorder, is characterized by painful memories, dreams, hallucinations, or flash continued to experience the traumatic event, people in life is not threatened or serious injury, serious natural disasters, prone to this kind of mental illness. In victims of trauma, or see the trauma scene who are likely to suffer from PTSD, who suffer from PTSD may also suffer from other mental illnesses, such as major depression, substance abuse and sexual dysfunction. PTSD incidence of 1.5% to 1.5%, average range is 20.0% 30.0%. The tangshan earthquake PTSD incidence was 18.48%, the delayed PTSD incidence was 22.17%, caused by earthquake orphans in PTSD total incidence was 23.0%. According to all previous earthquake condition, this is about 15% ~ 15% of the affected people need to accept the psychological aid, about 5% of the people need long-term support. So there are 2 million people in the affected people need psychological aid. If for victims and survivors than family members living, will also have at least hundreds of thousands of people need professional and long-term psychological aid.
The face of disaster that may occur after all kinds of bad psychological stress reaction and behavior, post-disaster psychological crisis intervention personnel needs to have a good, the system of professional training and consulting experience,