4.0重要的一个新的改进是@RestController注解,它继承自@Controller注解。4.0之前的版本,Spring MVC的组件都使用@Controller来标识当前类是一个控制器servlet。
当你实现一个RESTful web services的时候,response将一直通过response body发送。为了简化开发,Spring 4.0提供了一个专门版本的controller。下面我们来看看@RestController实现的定义:
public @interface RestController
A convenience annotation that is itself annotated with @Controller and @ResponseBody. Types that carry this annotation are treated as controllers where @RequestMapping methods assume @ResponseBody semantics by default.
@ResponseBody – As of version 4.0 this annotation can also be added on the type level in which case is inherited and does not need to be added on the method level.