
急需!!! 越快越好!
2025-03-12 09:58:17

When I was preparing for this speech, it evoked me a sort of delicate element in my mind. I remember quite clearly when the 4th Outlook English Talented Competition spread through the whole country, maybe because the former winner, Tracy, terrified me since she was so outstanding. I even dared not sign up for the competition. Deluding myself into believing that I was not prepared, I gave up without any humble attempt. At that time, one of my best friends, Wendy took part in the contest, and she won the first prize in Jiangsu Province. When she came back from Beijing, telling me about her delighted experience, besides the bliss of sharing the rejoicing moments, to be honest, I was a little bit envious of her. Cause I couldn’t stop wondering what-if, I didn’t participate in, cause I was scared. Seeking after my own glory, I was scared of being defeated. It sounds ridiculous, isn’t it? Today, standing in front of you, I would like to say, things are changed. Because finally I know that, the most glorious moments in my life are not those days of so-called success, but rather those days when out of dejection and despair, I feel raise in me a challenge to life, and the promise of future accomplishments. Sure enough, no matter how the result is, I would be glad that I kept the promise between Wendy and I, that is, there are only two creatures, which can surmount the pyramids, one is the eagle, and the other is the snail. So if it is doomed that I cannot be a eagle flying high, I would like to be a little snail who is always believing that success in life will come from the same dedication to be the best I can be! 准备这篇演讲时候,脑海中被唤起一种微妙的情愫。依然清晰地记得第四届英语风采大赛在全国如火如荼展开的时候,或许被前任冠军刘洪悦前辈出色的表现所吓倒:)我甚至不敢于报名参赛。自欺欺人地告诫自己还没有准备好,我没有做出任何谦卑的尝试。 那时,挚友林海岑参加了比赛并且获得了江苏省冠军。当她从北京回来告诉那些愉悦的经历时,除了与她分享激动瞬间的喜悦,我也有一点点嫉妒她。因为我无法停止幻想如果的存在,我因为胆怯没有参赛——步步追寻自己的荣耀的时候,我害怕被击败。现在听起来甚为荒谬。 而今,站在你们的面前,我更愿意说事情已经改变。因为我最终意识到,于我而言,生命中最为荣耀的时日不是那些所谓的成功的日子,而是我从悲痛、绝望中产生了向生活挑战的勇气并真切地感到未来成功希望的那段时光。确定的是,不论今天的结果如何,我会为遵守了对海岑的承诺而高兴,那就是,世界上只有两种生物可以攀上金字塔,一个是雄鹰,另一个则是蜗牛。所以,如果命中注定不能如雄鹰一般展翅高飞,我宁愿做一只小小的蜗牛,一个永远相信生命中的成功来自对于完美不懈奉献的小蜗牛!