turn to中的to都是介词,但turn to后面可以接动词,也可以接名词,你是不是想问这个呢?
接动词的情况,turn to作"变成","转向(原来在做另外一件事)"讲,例如:
He is turning to be strong.他正在变强壮。
He turned to keep silent when he saw me.他看到我就安静了下来。
The more depressed he got, the more he turned to drink.他越郁闷就越喝酒消愁。
The child turned to his mother for comfort. 孩子向母亲寻求安慰.
1. 朝一个方向地;朝一个人或物地:
例如: owls with feathers wrong end to.羽毛方向不对的猫头鹰
2. 处于关上的状态:
例如:pushed the door to.把门关上
3. 处于有意识状态:
例如:The patient came to.病人醒过来了
4. 处于行动或专注的状态:
例如:sat down for lunch and fell to. 坐下来开始狼吞虎咽地吃午饭
Turn to the right.