====Kobe is my favorite basketball star, he played for the NBA Los Angeles Lakers
.我喜爱科比,并不是因为他的成就,而是因为他对胜利的渴望,对篮球的热爱。在球场上没有他做不到的事,只要他想做。他教会了我许多道理,比如:要对自己有信心,去做自己认为对的事,不要在意别人的看法,用行动让质疑你的人闭嘴。 ====. I love Kobe, not because of his achievements, but because of his desire to win, the love of basketball. The court can not do without him, as long as he wants. He taught me many things, such as: To have confidence in yourself, do what he thinks the right thing, do not care about the opinions of others, with action to challenge your people to shut up.