. 看美剧学口语的优点:
1) 时间自由,地点自由,只要有laptop和耳机即可,不用费心和学校给找的米国人约时间
喝咖啡聊天, 也避免一开始口语听力不好直接在生活中和人说英语的紧张感;而且美剧比
2) 兼有提高口语听力和放松的双重功能...俺大学最后一年养成了每天睡前看一集电视
剧的习惯,反正同修们需要study break的时候肯定都想看看电视节目电影啥的,与其看台
3) 能够学到比较生活化的口语,因为俺个人感觉好来坞电影什么的为了追求戏剧效果,有
2. 比较好的美剧推荐
1) 入门版
Friends: 不用说,这个肯定是最经典的啦,估计版上大多数同修出来前就看过了,不过偶
和friends类似的据说有seinfield,will and grace等等,但是我看了后者不觉得好笑,所
2) 初级版
sex & city: 这个也是个人偏好,估计男生不一定喜欢.但是这个剧的情节很经典啦,而且
Desperate housewives: 这个剧的内容就是生活优裕家庭中的事儿,所以相对的语言要文
类似的有gilmore girl,但是不好找,我只看过一两集.
3) 听力版
law & order:这个也是经典中的经典..不过我也没系统的看过..可能因为对刑事法律还
boston legal:我很喜欢里面的语言.此外,这个剧是目前为止我看过的剧中语速最快,词
医务剧:因为专业关系..俺一直对医务剧没啥兴趣,不过据说house, grey之类的医务专业
很有帮助的,里面有很多teamwork的词汇,包括和别人合作时如何讨论, 作为groupleader
5) 其他
how i met your mother:这个剧可以更新一下从friends里头学到的口语..因为friends
毕竟老了点, 10年前的剧了.这个剧没有friends好笑其实.但是生活气息很浓,又是sitco
m, 20分钟一集,所以可以时不时的看一下.
24: 仅仅从口语角度..因为鲍小强同学说的话实在太少了!而且为了体现他老人家的当机
3. 关于字幕
放弃了.我当时是因为喜欢看的越来越多, 有些根本来不及或找不到字幕,所以也就硬着
头皮看下去, 最初看不大懂,但是慢慢就会长进很多.如果能做到的话早点放弃中文字幕
Cube God gives wisdom symbol. The most common Cube, just need to disruption of 30 can achieve the maximum chaos, but if you want to restore it, in addition to computer calculation, were the earliest of 50 times. Each cube is only one correct situation, and the error condition, there are 4.3 × 10 ^ 19 species.
But in recent years, many of China's Cube community is working to change the informal public view for the cube. Cube is not just child's toy, but also a way to relax and sports competition in the form, along with more stimulation and challenge of racing, with one hand, tighten the cube so blind play, more and more people are again concerned about the cube.
I think as long to do their thing, there will always be a good experience. I grew up at home there is a cube, but I've never had to play out side, a few months ago, I occasionally see a Cube game, only to learn the next Rubik's Cube, Rubik's Cube and then exposed to the formula, I know to play the six sides Rubik's Cube that so simple, I usually have no time, mainly playing at home, occasionally playing on the bus, I found this is a very good thing, often you finish a Rubik's Cube looked up and restore, you will find a person's trunk eyes are on your body:) I have slowly learned to other skills and Rubik Cube Solution, but more importantly, I know a lot of play with Rubik's friend, I found many friends to play the cube and are very passionate about life Interestingly, they gave me a lot of inspiration. The reason I write this, is hoping to find more like-minded friends.
(Here is What some of these unnecessary "sublimation" thing)
In my opinion, it is not only a fun way of Rubik's Cube, it is an experience of life, experience life that way.
If the circumstances of each cube representing each person's life, some people have is perfect, and some people seem very regularly, like Rubik's Cube in the fancy, while others look is messy, mm No beauty and well-organized at all, but to restore the same as the Rubik's Cube, no matter how messy, how difficult, there are always couple of choices, just as various algorithms to restore the cube, as life can be gradually improved.
To restore the cube of the speed as fast or slow, and some people may take a lifetime to restore their own cube, and some people just ten seconds can be ordered into a cube in his hands, each person find their own satisfied with the time is different, and even some people can not find, but once you get some tips and methods, everything will work out.
Blind screw, as the dream of many faithful magic, you can ease off a full life is a lot of people hope, but few people think there is often a life of ease behind the hard work and demanding program (just as in the blind screw the state of the memory cube).
Many people learned to restore the cube after complacent Shaped like to try another cube. Indeed, that is handsome, but when they pick it up again when that order, hand speed had slowed down, the way has become very poor, reducing the time required to increase substantially, just as many people in life found a life in a temporary safe haven after the corruption in the comfortable and forget the hard work and efforts, and finally nothing.
Small cube, in fact, also contains enormous energy, we need to explore. So, I hope you can also try to cube, cube you give a chance to give you a cube world.
Remember that word: There is no cube who can not learn - he hands each patient can be miracles -----------------