学生字,是小学生以后必学好的一门,也就是很重要的。 教师存在许多忽视的问题, 教学办法单一,忽视了笔画顺序,学生积极性不好,所以要教师们结合游戏来教学。还有好的环境,重视学生笔画和字的好看。
Vocabulary teaching in primary school is the most basic and valuable the one of teaching contents and tasks. At present, some problems still exist in the teaching of primary characters. For example, single teachers teaching methods, and ignore the meaning teaching. Then it's no high to learning enthusiasm. And it's useless to writing Chinese. The reasons are manifold. In order to solve these problems, we can take this following measures: according to the characteristics of Chinese characters; combining context teaching; fun teaching; creating a good vocabulary learning environment; paying attention to the writing training fot students.