黑咖啡(浓咖啡)black coffee;白咖啡(牛奶咖啡)white coffee;青咖啡(生咖啡)green coffee。
红茶Black tea;绿茶green tea;乌龙茶:oolong tea;菊花茶chrysanthemum tea;龙井Longjing。
(1)black coffee
读音:英[blæk ˈkɒfi],美[blæk ˈkɔːfi]
例句:Newman poured more black coffee and lit a cigarette. 纽曼又倒了些黑咖啡,接着点了支烟。
(2)white coffe
读音:英[waɪt ˈkɒfi],美[waɪt ˈkɔːfi]
例句:Wayne has a large white coffee in front of him. 韦恩面前摆着一大杯加了牛奶的咖啡。
(3)green coffee
读音:英[ɡriːn ˈkɒfi],美[ɡriːn ˈkɔːfi]
释义:n. 生咖啡
例句:The enzyme ot-galactosidase isolated from green coffee bean could convert the red blood celis of Blood group B into blood group O type. 从绿色咖啡豆中制备的α-半乳糖苷酶可以将B型血转变为O型血。
1、浓(淡)茶 strong(weak)tea
2、砖茶 brick tea
3、速溶咖啡 instant coffee
4、可可 cocoa
5、牛奶 milk
6、全脂奶 whole milk
7、矿泉水 mineral water
8、不含酒精的饮料 soft drink
9、汽水 soda water
10、桔子水 orangeade
11、水果汁;果子露 fruit syrup
12、烈性酒 liquor;spirit
13、葡萄酒(含酒精度数较低的) wine
14、甜酒 sweet wine
15、汽酒 bubbing wine
16、黄酒;绍兴酒 yellow wine;rice wine
17、白葡萄酒 white wine
18、红葡萄酒 red wine;port
black coffee
white coffee
green coffee
red tea
green tea
chrysanthemum tea
dragon well green tea