是爱尔兰文 Géill do mo thoil
英文是 Surrender to my will
Did someone called a doctor? 有人要找医生吗?(PS谁打的120?)
加攻击:You're ready to do some damage 你要逆天啦
Power up 能量增强中
Damage Boost engage 伤害加成开启
You're unstopable! 你已经无人可挡!
加血:Healing stream engage 治疗光束开启
I am taking care of you 莫慌,抱紧我……(冲啊,有罩子)
Where does ot hurt ? 哪边疼?
击杀:You may not want to tell your friend about this 这个你可能不想告诉你的朋友(DPS被辅助单杀还能不能玩了)
援护:Right beside you 我掩护你
大招: Heros never die 英雄永不凋谢