音标Phonetic symbol [] 词性及解释 Part of speech and definition ,David Ross洛克(Petroleum V(esuvius)Nasby的真名) 例句Sentences Because the door's locke. 因为门被锁上了。 Because the door's locke and we have not get the key. 因为门锁上了,我们没有钥匙。 The robber truss him up and locke him in the bathroom. 强盗们把他捆起来锁进洗澡间。 She locke horn with him over the subject of equal pay for women. 她在妇女同酬问题上跟他争得不可开交。 “And they fight?”“Like billy-o,” said Paul. (W. Locke, The Fortunate Youth) “他们就打起来了,是吗?”“打的凶极了。”保罗答道