============================================= 其实英文『中point 』
句子中不一定要用番个point For example
you may use the followings: Exactly! Bingo! True. That's what I am going to say. You've got it. Right. Correct. etce. =============================================
可以话: Yes
you're right.(你赞成别人的话) You make a point here.(别人有新观点) 你系唔系说小组讨论? 其实唔一定要有个point字
中point的英文解释是...... You really got the point. 这只是说 你道出了要点. 如你十分同意对方的答案
外国人通常用一个字回应: Bingo!
参考: SELF
"got the point" 系明白个point "that's what I mean" 系你讲完后,人地repeat番而中point,你的回应
Should be "You have got the point".
It is "to the point"