1.我妹妹喜欢看小说,特别是侦探小说。(in particlar)
My younger sister likes reading novels, in particlar detective novels.
2.是谁想出了这么妙的主意?(come up with)
Who come up with the great idea?
3.他是一个对什么事都很好奇的小孩。(be curious about)
He is a child who is curious about everything.
4.我觉得你的解释完全讲不通。(make sense)
I think your explaination does not make sense.
5.只有竞争才能让他精神振奋。(nothing but)
Nothing can makes he cheer but competition.
6.她打开鸟笼把鸟儿放了出去。(let out)
She opened to door of bird cage and let the bird out.
1. my sister likes to read novels, especially to detective stories. 2. who thought out such an idea? 3. he is a very curious about everything. 4. the child, i think your explanation is no. 5. a competition to get his spirits. 6. she opened the cage the bird is let out.
1My sister likes to read novels,in particular detective novels.(你 particular 打错了吧)
2 Who come up with such a great idea?
3He is a boy who is curious about everything.
4 I think your explanation doesn't make sense.
4 There is nothing but compete can let him in high spirits.
5 She open the birdcage and let the bird out.
1. my sister look like particlar is who think come idea? 只会前两个啦!
1. My sister likes reading novels, in particular detective stories. 用reading表示习惯,in particular表示“特别”
2. Who came up with such wonderful idea?
3. He is a boy who is very curious about everything. 用定语从句
4. I think your explanation doesn't make any sense.
5.Nothing but a competition can let him in high spirits.
6.She opened the cage and let the bird out.