盐焗鸡是广东久负盛名的一道汉族传统佳肴,也是广东本地客家招牌菜式之一,属于粤菜系 - 客家菜。流行于广东梅州、深圳、惠州、河源等地,现已成为享誉国内外的经典菜式,特别是在广东籍华侨集中的海外地区久负盛名。
Salt baked chicken is Guangdong famous the Han traditional cuisine, is one of the Guangdong local Hakka signature dishes, which belongs to the Cantonese and Hakka dishes. Popular in in Meizhou, Guangdong, Shenzhen, Huizhou, Heyuan and other places, has become a renowned domestic and foreign classic dishes, especially in Guangdong Overseas Chinese nationality from overseas area famous.