Personally, I would like to say that the famous person I admire most is my brother. He is tall, a little fat but masculine. There are a couple of reasons to name. The first reason I wanna say is he’s a prestigious doctor in my city, but he never makes a show (and when I have difficulty, he will help me to deal with it./ He taught me people should be modest). The second reason is I learn much from him, (He is very generous to lend money to the poor patients.) He taught me that you don't do kindness just to gain favor, but because that's what your true nature expects you to do. So that’s why I admire my brother most.
涉及团体(leader, team member):
1 He should be intelligent. When we encounter some problems, he has the ability to deal with them, and is careful enough to analyze the plans and decisive enough to make the final decision.
2 He should be cooperative. That means he has a strong team spirit. To reach the same goal, they must be working together and working toward the same goal.
(teacher, parent, friend)
3 He should be talkative, in this way, I won’t feel bored or lonely and have the chance to improve my interpersonal and communication skills which are very important in my future career.
4 He should be obliging, when I feel depressed and wanna give up, he will stay with me and encourage me; when I’m in trouble, he will help me to deal with it.
自从结识了这位同桌,我的“厄运”就开始了,我是天天哑巴吃黄连——有苦说不出。她上课踢我,下课拧我,课间追我。因为她的野蛮,我难以忘怀。 xiao xue 123
她难玲珑的脸上镶嵌着一双水灵灵的大眼睛,一个能说会道的嘴在脸上笑成了弯月亮,两只有福气的耳朵排列在脸的两旁。这模样咋看上去还真不像个野蛮女孩。 xiao xue 123
“山里的女人是老虎”这句俗话用在绰号为“母老虎”的她身上是再适当不过了。有一次,我因超过了“三八线”,她一下课就来找我算帐,我可知道她的性格,凡是打她的人,轻则吹胡子瞪眼,重则拳打脚踢。我一见来者不善,赶紧躲闪,她扑了个空,第二回合,她又来了个“铁沙掌”,几个回合下来,我被打得鼻青脸肿、片甲不留,我只好落荒而逃。 xiao xue 123
还有一次,我带兵整装待发,遭遇女侠兵团,我们立刻展开大战,我为男侠兵团做殊死拼搏,女侠兵团的“电光拍打”威力强大,男侠兵团只剩我一个人监守阵地,女侠兵团的“母老虎”一招“少林拳”把我打出阵地。这场战斗中,“母老虎”立下汗马功劳,这场战斗真激烈。 xiao xue 123