
2025-03-12 10:22:03

【作者单位】:河海大学计算机及信息工程学院;河海大学计算机及信息工程学院;河海大学计算机及信息工程学院 江苏常州213022九江学院电子工程学院;江西九江332005;江苏常州213022;江苏常州213022
  1分区搜索自适应遗传算法的基本思想旅行商问题(Traveling Salesm an Problem,TSP)是指旅行商从某城市出发,在遍历N个城市后又回到出发点,且每个城市只经过一次,求旅行商行程最短的问题[1].TSP是一个N P难题,其可能的路径数目随城市数N的增加呈指数型增长.如果是对称TSP问题,则共有0.5(N-1)!种可能路线,如果是非对称TSP问题,可能的路线还会加倍.许多学者运用遗传算法的不同控制方法来求解TSP的最优解[2-3],但简单遗传算法(Sim ple G enetic A lgorithm,SG A)的收敛速度慢,且易陷入局部最优解.如果能找到某些局部优良的基因组合(…
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Solving Traveling Salesman Problem by the Adaptive Genetic Algorithm Based on the Regional Search
JIANG Jin-long1;2;XUE Yun-can1;FENG Jun1(1.College of Computer & Information Engineering;Hohai Univ.;Changzhou 213022;China;2.College of Electronic Engineering;Jiujiang Univ.;Jiujiang 332005;China)
 To increase the convergence speed of the genetic algorithm in solving the traveling salesman problem(TSP),combined with adaptive operators and competitive strategy between parents and their children,an adaptive genetic algorithm based on the regional search is proposed. This algorithm divides the global space into regional space and makes the regional search first. The global space search is carried out based on the better local gene sequences obtained from the regional search,so as to improve the search speed. Moreover,this algorithm improves the mutation performance at the same time. The TSP simulations show that the improved algorithm is a steady and efficient optimal search method.
【Keyword】:genetic algorithms;regional search;traveling salesman problem(TSP)