•LSD. Uses t tests to perform all pairwise comparisons between group means. No adjustment is made to the error rate for multiple comparisons. Used for pairwise
comparison. This test does not control the overall probability of rejecting the hypotheses that some pairs of means are different, while in fact they are equal.
•Bonferroni. Uses t tests to perform pairwise comparisons between group means, but controls overall error rate by setting the error rate for each test to the experimentwise error
rate divided by the total number of tests. Hence, the observed significance level is adjusted for the fact that multiple comparisons are being made. Used for pairwise comparison.
方差分析(analysisof variance,Anova)是对总体均值的比较,其目的是检验平均值之间的差异是否具有统计学意义。
单变量方差分析: 即单因变量方差分析,单变量对应的英文名称为“univariate”,其实际含义是“只有一个因变量的方差分析模型”,是检验几个分类变量对单个因变量均值的影响。
•LSD. Uses t tests to perform all pairwise comparisons between group means. No adjustment is made to the error rate for multiple comparisons. Used for pairwise comparison. This test does not control the overall probability of rejecting the hypotheses that some pairs of means are different, while in fact they are equal.
•Bonferroni. Uses t tests to perform pairwise comparisons between group means, but controls overall error rate by setting the error rate for each test to the experimentwise error rate divided by the total number of tests. Hence, the observed significance level is adjusted for the fact that multiple comparisons are being made. Used for pairwise comparison.