Feminism is a collection of movements aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights and equal opportunities for women.
Female consciousness,recognition of what a particular class,culture,and historical period expect from women,creates a sense of rights and obligations that provides motive force for actions different from those Marxist or feminist theory generally try to explain,
我觉得他俩是完全不一样的东西 , 一个是一种思想可能会演变成一种行动,去运用和影响自身的生活,但是女性意识是源于生活,没有女权主义那么的极端。(当然,我不是很懂唉,随便发表的一件,至于定义是查的,feminism是维基百科介绍的,那个consciousness是看的一篇文章的介绍,我把连接给你 好了^^)