T3, T4 读-听-说(R-L-S) 综合题----做到听读双赢!!!
ETS 的综合题的出题思路,是根据母语的学习思路设计的。所以试回想一下我们在语文课堂上做的事,就是老师让你读完一段然后总结段落大意。这里稍微复杂一点的是,增加了听的环节(因为是外语的缘故)。那么这道题有两个对策:
T3, 是dialogue-based, campus-related issue. 相对比T4 容易,而且具有非常清晰固定的模板。所以考试前非常熟悉模板,考试中,主要记笔记。然后把阅读材料中的主要内容和听力材料中的观点和理由填进去就可以了。记笔记时采取纵向提纲记录法:
Reading: _____________ (关键词如announcement, notice, proposal etc. 常出现在标题和首句中 )
Listening: _____________ (记住是男声,还是女声,做一个M或W的标记,主要是为接下来阐述的过程中he /she 的自由转换做好定位,否则没有定位,考官会感到confused. 自然你的高分梦想就敬而远之了。 之后对reading 里的态度,是支持还是反对,因为语言都是现成的,所以只记录一个符号,+或- 就可以了。)
1) Reason 1 / R1: ___________________
2) Reason 2/ R2: ___________________
3) Reason 3/ R3: ___________________ (有时没有R3)
a. 听读观点一致版:
In the reading material, we learn that the college/university is considering _____________.
In the listening material, the man/woman agrees with (thinks ... is right)___________. One reason he/she gives is that _____________. Another reason is that _____________. He/ She also thinks (points out/ has found) that_____________. (如果有的话)
Therefore, he/she likes the idea.
b. 听读观点对立版:
In the reading material, the college/university is considering _____________.
In the listening material, we clearly learn that the man/woman doesn't like the idea of/that ______________ (of +V-ing. ; that + clause) One reason he/she gives is that _______________.
Another reason is that ___________________. He/She also thinks (points out/has found) that ___________. (如果有的话)
Therefore, he/she disagrees with that opinion.
注: 我这里把他们作为典型提供一个思路,同学们要根据不同的内容对第一句进行适当的调整。
T4, 是lecture-based, academic topic. 相对T3 学术一些。关键是熟悉一定的背景词汇,这样不会因为题目的陌生而恐慌。不过考试的设计思路总是可以破解的。通常阅读部分是一个definition或explanation. 听力部分是教授的详细讲解,大致由points 和examples 两个板块构成。所以在记笔记的时候,主要记这两点。具体如下:
Reading: _______________ (标题和首句中的关键词. 比如:boycott, forest fire, emotional intelligence, etc. 1-2句话完成)
Listening: _______________ (就一个人唱独角戏,听完是M 还是W, 那么以后人称就确定了,he 就是he, she 就是she, 不会像T3 那样产生干扰。)
1) point 1 + example 1
2) point 2 + example 2
3) 小结
In this set of materials, the reading passage explains/ gives a definition of _______________. It states that ______________. In the listening passage, the professor gives a talk on _________. He brings up the fact that _________________.He goes on to further explain that ___________.
By these means, he proves that _______________.
注:此题主要考察一个能力----- paraphrasing 。通俗点说,就是同义替换,平时要多注意积累同一意义的多形表达,这一点,也不用刻意去拿别的教材去学,托福的两门输入课程,听力和阅读材料已经足矣。主要在于你是否留心。
1.task 3 key points are more important. so first tell it then if u have time some details.
2.task 4 generally retell the whole article. If more details u will get more scores.
Good Luck!