要查一下iexplore的命令行参数。另外比较好的是使用webbrowser模块,它是使用缺省浏览器,可能更方便,可以直接控制是否弹出新窗口。open(
url[,
new=0][,
autoraise=1])
Display
url
using
the
default
browser.
If
new
is
true,
a
new
browser
window
is
opened
if
possible.
If
autoraise
is
true,
the
window
is
raised
if
possible
(note
that
under
many
window
managers
this
will
occur
regardless
of
the
setting
of
this
variable).
open_new(
url)
Open
url
in
a
new
window
of
the
default
browser,
if
possible,
otherwise,
open
url
in
the
only
browser
window.