Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can't see where it keeps its brain.
Lord Voldemort's gift for spreading discord and enmity is very great. We can fight it only by showing an equally strong bond of friendship and trust. Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open.
If you want to kill Harry, you'll have to kill us too!
What was there to be gained by fighting the most evil wizard who has ever existed? Only innocent lives! Died rather than betray your friends!
I'm never going over to the Dark Side!
Me! Books! And cleverness! There are more important things — friendship and bravery.
Give her hell from us, Peeves.
It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.
The truth,it is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with great caution.
What would come, and he would have to meet it when it did.
He will only truly have left this school when none here are loyal to him.
It is our choices, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.
There are some things you can't share without ending up liking each other, and knocking out a twelve-foot mountain troll is one of them.
这句话是我 最喜欢的 一句, ’这一份共度患难的深挚感情又怎么能轻易地忘记而不好好地珍惜呢? ‘
你可以忽略 后一半 英文 只看 前一半很简单的 一句英文 但是 很有 感觉
下面是 感受
i think this book is about the the friendship never die and aways hold eath other, without your friends what can you do or who are you will be - you just nother without any friend.
Where your treasure is,there will your heart be also.
Wit beyond measure is man’s greatest treasure.
i trust him哈利对阿布福斯不止一次的说了这句话,人就是应该有一种坚持的信仰,然后不断的去执着的完善着 he give her everything ,except time!说的